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Wendy Harcourt: Global body politics: contestations in gender and development

In the lecture Dr Wendy Harcourt reflects on the themes of her book Body Politics in Development: Critical Debate in Gender and Development (London: Zed Book 2009). She looks at how global body politics is played out in texts and practices in gender and development discourses. She looks at how different concepts of embodiment, sexuality, technologies, care, reproduction and production are shaped in mainstream, advocacy, the in-between conversations and silences of gender and development.

Opens external link in new windowWendy Harcourtwww.iss.nl/iss_faculty/profiel_metis/1129251/ is Senior Lecturer at the International Institute of Social Studies, Erasmus University Rotterdam.

15.06.2013, 16:00-18:00 Uhr, Alois Wagner Saal, C3 Centrum für Internationale Entwicklung, Sensengasse 3, Stiege 2, 1090 Wien.

Vortrag im Rahmen der internationalen Ringvorlesung Opens external link in new windowFeministisch „entwickeln“?! Kritische Perspektiven ׀ Politische Interventionen ׀ Globale Herausforderungen

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Internationale Entwicklung
Universität Wien
Sensengasse 3/2/2
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